Professional portrait photographers create masterpieces with the Fujicolor Pro series of films. The Fujicolor Superia and Nexia lines bring this famous quality to all 35 mm and APS (Advanced Photo System) photographers.
ISO 200 film for sunlight or flash. Highly flexible film with enhanced color reproduction, sharpness, and smooth, fine grain.
ISO 400 film for action or low-light shots. Exceptional color reproduction. Ideal for compact, automatic cameras.
ISO 800 film for fast-action sports and non-flash stage photography. Fine grain, outstanding color and sharpness.
ISO 1600 film. Fastest of the Superia films. Remarkable results with long zooms and under low light conditions.
ISO 160 daylight-type film optimized for skin tone reproduction and neutral gray balance. Ideal for portrait photography.
ISO 400 daylight-type film. Wide exposure latitude. Particularly suited to wedding, commercial and fashion work.