FUJIFILM 照相館針對攝影愛好者的需要,提供更全面及專業的產品及服務需求,配合 FUJIFILM 專業人員的專業知識,在舒適自在的環境中,即時為顧客講解相機及攝影配件的功能。此外,FUJIFILM 照相館銅鑼灣店更提供富士相機維修交收服務。
FUJIFILM STUDIO providing full-scaled and professional services to meet the specific needs of photography lovers. Customers will enjoy the comfortable environment where FUJIFILM staff, armed with superb knowledge in photography and FUJIFILM products, can explain all the enticing detail and know-how’s regarding the cameras and accessories. Furthermore, FUJIFILM Studio Windsor House Shop also provides camera repair collection service.
Address: |
香港銅鑼灣告士打道 311 號皇室堡 10 樓 1013 室 (銅鑼灣站 E 出口)
Shop No. 1013, 10/F, Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, HK (Causeway Bay Station Exit E) |
Business Hour: |
星期一至日,上午十一點 至 晚上七點半 Monday - Sunday: 11:00am - 07:30pm |
Telephone: |
(852) 2673 8835, 2894 8893 |
Fujifilm Camera Repair Service Centre
地址:香港荃灣德士古道 220 號荃灣工業中心 8 樓
(荃灣西站 D 出口 或 238X 巴士)
Addres:8/F, Tsuen Wan Ind. Centre, 220 Texaco Rd, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
(Tsuen Wan West Exit D or Bus Route no. 238X)
辦公時間 Business Hour: |
星期一至星期五 (上午8:30至中午12:30, 下午1:30至下午5:30) Monday - Friday: (8:30am - 12:30nn, 1:30pm - 5:30pm) 星期六 (上午9:00至中午12:30, 下午1:30至下午4:00) Saturday: (9:00am - 12:30nn, 1:30pm - 4:00pm) |
星期日及公眾假期休息 Closed on Sunday, and Public holidays |
相機維修及技術支援: Service & Technical Support: |
(852) 2406 3287 |
電郵: E-mail: |
rsd@chinahkphoto.com.hk |
WhatsApp查詢服務 (暫只提供文字查詢) WhatsApp inquiry service (Text only ): |
https://wa.me/85256640305 或 直接以WhatsApp傳送訊息至 +852 5664 0305 以作查詢 |
除以上安排 , 客戶亦可到*銅鑼灣FUJIFILM STUDIO館 或 **指定快圖美店鋪進行相機交收之服務。
Apart from the above arrangement, customers can also visit *FUJIFILM STUDIO in Causeway Bay or **Designated Store - FOTOMAX for camera delivery service.
Address: |
香港銅鑼灣告士打道 311 號皇室堡 10 樓 1013 室 (銅鑼灣站 E 出口)
Shop No. 1013, 10/F, Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, HK (Causeway Bay Station Exit E) |
Business Hour: |
星期一至日,上午十一點 至 晚上七點半 Monday - Sunday: 11:00am - 07:30pm |
Telephone: |
(852) 2673 8835, 2894 8893 |
Address: |
九龍彌敦道750號始創中心二樓 250 A&B 號舖 (太子站 B2 出口)
Shop No. 250 A&B on 2nd Floor, Pioneer Centre, 750 Nathan Road, Kowloon(Prince Edward Station Exit B2) |
Business Hour: |
星期一至日,上午十一點 至 晚上八點 Monday - Sunday: 11:00am - 08:00pm |
Telephone: |
(852) 2398 7122, 2319 0886 |
檢查費 Inspection Fee |
有效的產品保用證書 Valid FUJIFILM Imaging Product Warranty Certificate |
沒有效的產品保用證書 Invalid FUJIFILM Imaging Product Warranty Certificate |
沒有產品保用證書 Without FUJIFILM Imaging Product Warranty Certificate |
於保用期內 Within Warranty Periods |
免費 Free |
** 按型號收費 Charge by model |
保用期已完結 Warranty Periods Ended |
** 按型號收費 Charge by model |
Inspection Fee is required to pay by the customer upon obtain the service. The Inspection Fee is non-refundable in any circumstances. After repair of the camera or lenses, the amount of the inspection fee will be deducted from the repair charge payable by the customer.
服務/優惠 Services or Promotion |
授權經銷商的行貨產品 Dealer Goods from Authorized Dealers |
非授權經銷商的行貨產品 Dealer Goods from Non-authorized Dealers |
水貨 Parallel Goods |
產品保用服務 Product Warranty Services |
✔ |
✔ |
✖ |
額外的產品保用期 Extra Warranty Periods |
✔ |
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✖ |
人工費用 (不包括零件) Labor Charge Discount (Parts are not included) |
**7折 30% off |
**7折 30% off |
✖ |
推廣優惠 Promotion |
✔ |
✖ |
✖ |