[Photo] FUJICHROME Velvia 100
  • Professional-quality, medium-speed, daylight-type, color reversal film with ultrafine grain (RMS : 8) and ultrahigh color saturation through the incorporation of new-generation cyan, magenta and yellow couplers.
  • Suited especially to scenery and nature photography as well as other subjects that require precisely modulated vibrant color reproduction and high image quality.
  • Provides color image stability equal to that of RVP 100F and can be push-processed up to +1 stop with excellent results and little photographic variation.


  • ISO 100 Speed
    Easy-to-use ISO 100 rating with the world's highest level of color saturation.
  • Ultrahigh-saturation Color Reproduction
    Attainment of the world's highest color saturation level equal to that of Velvia (ISO 50) through the incorporation of new cyan, magenta and yellow couplers.
  • Super-fine Grain
    RMS granularity of 8, one of the finest levels.
  • Color Image Storage Permanence
    Color image storage permanence (anti-fading characteristics) equal to that of RVP 100F as a result of new couplers.
  • Superb Push/Pull Processing Suitability
    Minimum variation in color and gradation during push/pull processing over a range from -1/2 to +1 stop, providing an expanded range of phototaking opportunities, as well as facilitating fine adjustments in exposure and density during processing and allowing an increase in speed of up to +2 stops (equal to E.I.400), depending on the scene.


  • RMS stands for “Root Mean Square”, a widely used standard method for measuring the degree of grain in photographic film. The lower the RMS number, the smaller the apparent grain.

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ISO 100
Film Sizes
135 ...36-exp.
120 ...12-exp. (5-roll packs)
4 x 5 in. (10.2 x 12.7 cm) ...20 sheets
8 x 10 in. (20.3 x 25.4 cm) ...20 sheets


  • * Some formats and packaging may not be available in your area. Please consult with your local Fujifilm distributor for details.